Several parishioners have requested that Adoration w/Exposition continue throughout the Easter Season until Pentecost. Fr. Denis is enthusiastic about the idea, so it depends on our ability as a prayerful community to cover the hours with at least 2 committed Guardians of the Eucharist. Our intention is to be in the newly renovated Reservation Chapel for Easter Exposition. The new chairs are on back-order, but the rest of the renovations will be complete by April 21st. Details are:
Exposition periods through Easter Season beginning Thursday, April 21st and ending on Thursday, June 2nd. Pentecost ends Easter Season on June 5th.
Exposition from 9:30am to 9pm each Thursday of Easter Season.
We invite Everyone register by clicking the button, below.
It would be very helpful if you are able to commit to the same time period for all 7 Thursdays of Easter Season, but even one hour of exposition would be much appreciated. You must register separately for each hour for which you commit as a Guardian of the Eucharist.
Please prayerfully consider committing to be a Guardian of the Eucharist for the Easter Season.