Little Dresses of Love Ministry is a sub-ministry of Social Concerns and was created to provide yet another way for our parishioners to make a connection with and serve people in underprivileged areas around the world and here in the U.S. by sewing dresses to donate.
This creative endeavor began in 2012 after learning about a group from another church who made dresses to send to Haiti after the devastating 2010 earthquake. Imagine the faces of the little girls who were to receive a new, clean, pretty little dress of their own. This image alone has inspired our ministry to follow in their footsteps, and provide a little bit of joy and pride to an unknown child, in an unknown country.
Our ministry received a real bonus of having a parishioner who after years in the sewing business had amassed an extremely large supply of beautiful cotton fabrics, perfect for our little dresses. We are now able to offer members a pre-cut packet with everything needed to complete a little dress.
Sewers and non-sewers are invited to join our ministry. Dresses are sewn at your own time and pace. You can make one or many. While we start with a basic pattern, we encourage creativity. Non-sewers are able to help by cutting, ironing, and packaging the materials.
Our group has made and donated over 700 dresses. We have made connections with other ministries who travel to needy areas in Botswana, Belize, Haiti, Philippines, and here in the U.S. Vinton County, Ohio. As we continue to grow and sew, we are happy to consider other areas of need.
Occasional, optional workshop days are held to cut, iron and package the materials. Sewing is done at your own time and pace.